Regulatory Impact Statement for the proposed Spinal Impairment Guides Modification Document

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02 Jul 2014

In 2013 the Victorian Parliament passed the Transport Accident Amendment Bill 2013. In accordance with section 46A(2C) of the Transport Accident Act 1986 (the Act), the TAC appointed a Spinal Expert Panel (the Panel) to create a Guides Modification Document (the GMD) for the assessment of spinal impairment. 

The GMD modifies the methodology for assessing spinal impairment in the 4th Edition of the American Medical Association (AMA) Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment.

The GMD proposes:

  • a definition of fracture;
  • a new table for the assessment of spinal fractures and surgery;
  • to replace the single gradation of structural fractures with four gradations of increasing severity;
  • a new Diagnoses Related Estimate Category III for the assessment of spinal fractures; and
  • rules to make the assessment methodology clear and consistent for all users.

The Regulatory Impact Statement (the RIS) discusses the assessment criteria for spinal injuries in the proposed GMD and the implementation options.

Public comment is now invited on the RIS and the proposed GMD. Comments should be received by the Transport Accident Commission no later than 5:00pm on 30 July 2014.

Copies can be obtained by downloading the RIS and the proposed GMD below or by contacting the TAC Customer Service Centre on 1300 654 329.

Written submissions should be addressed to:

Regulatory Impact Statement for the Spinal Impairment Guides Modification Document
Government Relations
Transport Accident Commission
PO BOX 742

Submissions by e-mail should be forwarded by the same date to the following address:

All submissions will be treated as public documents unless clearly identified as being confidential and all submissions regarding the proposed GMD will be provided to the Spinal Expert Panel for consideration.


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