TAC Pleads for New Year's Resolutions to Keep Our Roads Safe

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30 Dec 2011

MEDIA RELEASE: 30 December 2011

The TAC is calling on all Victorians to make a New Year’s resolution to help reduce the road toll.

With the state’s fatality road toll just above last year’s figure, the TAC wants Victorians to make a New Year’s resolution to keep our roads safe.

Road Safety Manager Samantha Cockfield said while the TAC and its partner road safety agencies would continue to work on improving the safety of cars and roads, all Victorians had an important role to play in improving driver behaviour.

"We all have a responsibility to make our roads safe. Drivers, by simply obeying the road rules - sticking to the speed limit, not driving impaired, always wearing a seatbelt and not using a mobile phone - can help reduce the number of people being killed and seriously injured on our roads," Ms Cockfield said.

"Other road users also have an important role to play. Passengers can hold drivers accountable for safe driving and speak up if they feel unsafe."

"Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are our most vulnerable road users and are encouraged to manage their risks on the roads by wearing protective and highly visible clothing.

"While all road users should be looking out for each other, these vulnerable road users will come off worse in a crash, no matter who is at fault," Ms Cockfield said.

"So make a New Year's resolution to help reduce the road toll and start that resolution today, by making sure you have a plan to get home safely from New Year's Eve festivities," Ms Cockfield said.

Remember that while it’s celebration time in Victoria, the car is not the place to have your party. Planning how you will get home safely, is just as important as planning your New Year’s Eve outfit.

The TAC has the following tips for Victorians enjoying New Year’s Eve parties:

  • Organise a lift home with a friend or family member who isn’t drinking alcohol.
  • Plan your trip home with public transport.
  • Catch a taxi.
  • If you are driving, remember that your BAC can rise after you have stopped drinking.

For more information contact the TAC’s Emily Bogue on 0429 416 778.


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