Application for IRQS Registration

General Information and Instructions

Please note: All service providers funded by the TAC to deliver a disability service for a TAC client with disability in Victoria must comply with the requirements of the new Social Services Regulator that came into effect on 1 July 2024.

Please refer to the TAC’s Social Services Regulations webpage to find out how this may impact the services you deliver and/or refer to the Social Services Regulator webpage for more details on registering with the new regulator.

The TAC and WorkSafe are not currently accepting new applications for attendant care and Client Independence Skills Services (CISS) provider registration.

The TAC is updating its Attendant care and CISS new provider registration process to align with new regulatory requirements of the Victorian Social Services Regulator.

We’ll update this registration page with the new Attendant care and CISS provider registration process when we finalise it.

Until then, please contact your client’s TAC claims representative to discuss any client needs.

TAC logoWorksafe Logo

Disability Service Providers (Providers) can register with the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) and/or the Victorian WorkCover Authority (WorkSafe) to provide disability services to TAC clients and injured workers under the transport accident and Victorian workers compensation legislations.

This form is for Providers seeking to deliver disability services in the following areas: Attendant Care and/or Client Independence Support Service (CISS). Providers to clients or workers must meet the relevant provider eligibility requirements in this application form.

NDIA and DFFH providers that submit a current Registration Certificate and/or Letter of Registration as evidence of their accreditation may fast track their registration.

To register with the TAC or WorkSafe Victoria to provide Attendant Care services and supports to clients and workers, the Service Provider must provide details of accreditation against standards for Disability Services in the form of an audit report or evidence of membership with a relevant government body for example DFFH/ NDIA for like services.

You must include all supporting documents requested for your submission to be accepted.

List of documents you need to include with your registration

Please ensure you have the following supporting documents ready before beginning the form.

NDIA and DFFH providers:

  • NDIA Registration Certificate
  • DFFH Letter of Registration

For all other providers:

  • Conflict of Interest policy
  • Organisational policies/processes for responding to potential or actual abuse, neglect, exploitation and preventable injury
  • Policy/process regarding the handling of client/worker’s money/finances
  • Confidentiality and Privacy policy
  • Complaints policy
  • Public Liability Insurance policy
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance policy
  • Staff training calendar
  • Organisational structure chart (NDIA/DFFH excluded)
  • Code of Conduct/Ethics or Service charter (NDIA/DFFH excluded)
  • Two written references from Independent community and/or health professionals (NDIA/DFFH excluded)

All registered providers will be certified for up to three years to provide services, aligned to your NDIA or other relevant accreditation status.

Download the Confidentiality deed poll (PDF, 0.06MB), print and sign. You will asked to upload the form with your registration later.

Read and accept our Terms and Conditions.
Do you have approval to apply?