Your search returned the following results
31 Mar 2024Results population
350 claims involving hospitalisation
Length of hospital stay | Value |
14 days or less | 318 |
longer than 14 days | 32 |
Who are you searching for?
Sex | Value |
female | 80 |
male | 270 |
unknown | 0 |
Age Range | Value |
0 to 17 | 23 |
18 to 25 | 31 |
26 to 39 | 93 |
40 to 59 | 135 |
60 and over | 68 |
unknown | 0 |
Road User | Value |
bicyclist | 350 |
driver | 0 |
motorcyclist | 0 |
passenger | 0 |
pedestrian | 0 |
unknown | 0 |
Type of accident you are searching for
Location | Value |
melbourne | 271 |
rural vic | 70 |
unknown | 9 |
Crash Type | Value |
adjacent direction | 87 |
manoeuvring | 65 |
on road | 32 |
opposing direction | 57 |
overtaking | 2 |
passenger/misc | 0 |
pedestrian | 5 |
run off a straight road | 6 |
run off road on a curve | 1 |
same direction | 62 |
unknown | 33 |
Local Government Area / Municipality
Date and time of the accident
Jan 2022
Dec 2022
Day of the week | Value |
monday | 55 |
tuesday | 55 |
wednesday | 51 |
thursday | 52 |
friday | 57 |
saturday | 53 |
sunday | 27 |
Hour of the day | Value |
00:00 to 05:59 | 8 |
06:00 to 11:59 | 161 |
12:00 to 17:59 | 126 |
18:00 to 23:59 | 44 |
unknown | 11 |
Search criteria
Length of stay in hospital
All claims involving hospitalisation
From: Jan 2022 To: Dec 2022
Days of the week
Hour range
Age range
Road User
Crash type
Local Government Area / Municipality
Note: Claims involving hospitalisation data is updated monthly from TAC claims databases. A six-month reporting lag is applied to the data, allowing for claims to be lodged and processed, and hospital invoices to be received and processed. Claims are reported by claim acceptance date. Data is subject to revision as additional information about known claims is received, and as new claims are received and processed.