Information for funeral directors

We will pay for funeral costs when a person dies as a result of their transport accident injuries and has a claim with us. The information below describes how to work with us and what we can and cannot pay for.

When a family member dies

When a person dies in a transport accident the TAC is usually notified by Victoria Police. However, this information does not always include family contact information. For many people, the funeral director is the first source of information about the support available from the TAC. This makes your role in this process vital, and we are here to support you to provide the information our clients and their families need to make the funeral process as easy as possible.

The TAC is a no-fault scheme. This means that regardless of whose fault the accident was, the costs are usually covered by us. We will cover most accident circumstances if they occur in a Victorian registered vehicle. These include suicide; accidents where a pedestrian or vehicle occupant is hit by a vehicle such as car or train, tram or bus; or where a cyclist hits a stationary or moving vehicle, or is hit by an opening car door.

There are only a few instances where liability may be in question. For more information, contact our Family Benefits team on 03 5225 6200 or

Working with our clients

We will pay for funeral costs when a person dies as a result of their transport accident injuries and has a claim with us. We pay for funeral costs using a capped amount per claim, currently $18,860. This amount is increased yearly.

The family does not need to spend the entire funeral cap at once. If there is money left in the cap after the funeral, this can be used later (e.g. for a memorial of the deceased). As the funeral director, you can facilitate this discussion with the family and ensure they have all the information to make informed choices.

Funeral costs can include cremation, burial, coffin/casket, urn, identifying plaques, inscriptions or monuments, service charges, clergy offering, press notices, repatriation and more.

We can pay up to $6,290 per family to cover the costs of travel and accommodation expenses within Australia for the immediate family members to attend the funeral of a TAC client. To be eligible, the family member must live more than 100 kilometres from the place where the funeral, burial or cremation is held.

Immediate family members are defined as a spouse or partner, parents, children, brothers, sisters, grand parents and grand children of the person who has died.

In addition, we can also pay up to $20,020 to immediate family members for family counselling. These amounts are deducted from separate capped amounts to the funeral costs.

Family counselling and any remaining funeral amounts can be used by the family with no end date, as long as the costs do not exceed the capped amount.

Billing and payments

Invoices can be submitted by email on or mailed to us at:

Transport Accident Commission (TAC)
GPO Box 2751
Melbourne Vic 3001

For full details on invoicing and payments, see How to invoice the TAC.

Other resources

Access our Resolving your issues page for information on how to have a TAC decision reviewed.

Frequently asked questions

How much will you pay towards funeral expenses?

The TAC can pay for costs associated with funeral, burial, cremation and monumental expenses up to $18,860. This amount is reviewed at the start of every new financial year.

Do any restrictions apply to funeral related benefits if the deceased had a blood alcohol reading in excess of the legal limit?


If a person dies from natural causes at the wheel of their vehicle, do they have a claim?

No. We must be satisfied that the death was as a direct result of a transport accident (i.e. directly from the driving of a vehicle). We will pursue evidence, such as an autopsy/coroner’s report or medical reports, before making this decision.

What will you pay in cases where the deceased is to be transferred overseas?

We will pay funeral costs incurred in Australia to repatriate a resident from overseas back to their country. Any costs incurred in another country for a funeral cannot be considered. We will consider airfreight costs for overseas residents and other costs such as permits, service fees, embalming, metal liner and similar.

If the accident occurred on private property involving an unregistered vehicle (e.g. tractor, old wreck, buggy, home constructed contraption) how does this affect a claim?

The TAC is not able to accept a claim for accidents that occur in vehicles that have never been registered. If the vehicle was once registered but has been unregistered for at least 12 months, then the injured or deceased owner has no entitlement to claim.

If the vehicle was not registered at the date of accident, will you deny liability?

We will accept liability if the accident occurred in a public place, on a public highway or on public property and the vehicle was:

  • Usually garaged in Victoria
  • Not exempt from registration.

Are tractors considered motor vehicles?

Tractors are defined as motor vehicles under the Road Safety Act.

Who is considered an immediate family member?

Immediate family is a spouse or partner, parents, children, brothers, sisters, grandparents and grand children of the person who has died.

Talk to us

For questions or feedback, contact our Family Benefits team on 03 5225 6200 or