TAC recruitment - privacy collection statement
This statement applies to all methods of collecting personal information (including hardcopy, electronic or verbal means during an interview) for the purposes of recruitment by the TAC. This statement should be read in conjunction with the TAC Privacy Policy and can be accessed in full on TAC’s website.
Lodging your application
The TAC uses the website of a company called PageUp to collect and store your job application. The TAC has an agreement with PageUp to facilitate applications for and enquiries about positions with the TAC. This means that once PageUp has collected your information, it passes the information onto the TAC, and the TAC then considers your suitability as a candidate. The TAC requires contractors like PageUp to provide privacy and data security assurances, such as compliance with the Privacy & Data Protection Act 2014, the Health Records Act 2001, and security standards under ISO 27001.
Diversity and inclusion
At TAC we are committed to advancing a culture of inclusion, where people of all backgrounds, identities and lived experiences are safe, feel a sense of belonging, and are empowered to contribute their opinions, ideas and skills to fulfil the TAC’s mandate. We know that a diverse workforce operating within an inclusive culture will position us to best deliver responsive services that meet the needs of all Victorian road users.
In order to recruit and retain a workforce that represents the diversity of the Victorian community we take the time to ensure we provide equitable access to roles and opportunity for career development. To do this we collect data and feedback at various points along the recruitment process and beyond for those successful in attaining a role.
In lodging your application, you will have the opportunity to provide information that will support our inclusion and diversity efforts. You will be asked a number of optional questions relating to your unique personal attributes (for example: gender, ethnicity, caring responsibilities, LGBTIQ+, living with disability). By answering these optional questions, you are sharing sensitive personal information about yourself. By choosing to answer these questions you are providing consent for us to collect and process your sensitive personal information.
The insights from the data will help inform actions we take to grow diversity at TAC and enhance inclusive practice both during the recruitment process and in the workplace. The data will be used at an aggregate level and/or de-identified and will not be used to make decisions during the recruitment process.
Collection of your personal information
The TAC collects the personal information you provide during recruitment for the purpose of assessing your suitability for a position, and administering your application. This includes:
- communicating with you about your application,
- providing associated services such as security and parking, and
- to assess and improve the TAC’s recruitment practices.
Should you progress past the initial application stage, or if you are shortlisted, the TAC may also collect information about you from third parties such as your nominated referees (the TAC has engaged XRef to conduct Referee checks for Candidates on its behalf), previous employers, and education institutions/professional bodies you list in your application. For certain positions, you may be asked to complete background checks (such as consent to a Police Check and/or agree to obtain a Working with Children Check (the TAC has engaged CVCheck to conduct Background checks for Candidates on its behalf). The TAC will not collect ‘sensitive’ or ‘health information’ (see the definitions of each in the TAC Privacy Policy) about you unless you provide your consent.
TAC takes reasonable steps when conducting national police checks to identify the major considerations to be taken into account. TAC balances its obligation to protect its reputation, resources and clients, against the applicants’ right to privacy and freedom from discrimination. All decisions are made based on individual circumstances. For more information about the standards expected across the VPS, see https://vpsc.vic.gov.au/html-resources/guidance-for-conducting-police-checks/
If you don't provide all or part of any of the information that the TAC requests during the recruitment process, the TAC may not be able to properly consider your application. If you have any concerns about the information requested by the TAC you can contact the TAC Privacy Officer to discuss this.
Use and disclosure of your personal information
Information you provide to the TAC as part of your application and during the recruitment process may be shared with:
- your nominated referees to verify your skills, talent and experience,
- your previous employers, registration bodies, professional associations or education institutions to verify your qualifications and experience,
- the TAC's legal counsel, and TAC staff who are relevant to the recruitment process and decision,
- organisations that conduct competency tests or medical tests on behalf of the TAC,
- in the event of an emergency while you are onsite, relevant people who are required to respond (e.g. police, ambulance, hospital), and
- other disclosures or uses required or authorised by or under law
If you provide the TAC with other people’s personal information (such as your referees), you should inform them that:
- you are providing their information to the TAC,
- if you are successful, their personal information may be kept on your employment record, and
- they can access that information by contacting the TAC’s Privacy Officer.
If your application is successful
If your application is successful, the TAC will keep your information as a part of your employment record. This is a comprehensive file of your work history at the TAC. The information retained on it also enables the TAC to contact your next of kin in an emergency; or, in relation to information about your state of health (e.g. relevant medical conditions) to take necessary steps to provide you with a safe working environment.
If your application is successful then the TAC may request your tax file number (TFN) for taxation and superannuation law purposes. You are not required by law to give the TAC your TFN, however, there may be financial consequences if you do not. The TAC uses PageUp to collect this information.
Other information collected during your employment with the TAC and stored on your employment record may include:
- performance feedback
- information about a workplace accident in which you are involved
- information about any insurance investigation, litigation, registration or professional disciplinary matter, criminal matter, inquest or inquiry in which you are involved
This information can be used or disclosed to:
- assist your role/ career performance or management
- assist in any workplace rehabilitation
- manage any complaint, investigation or inquiry in which you are involved
- respond to any insurance claim or proposal that requires disclosure of your information
- analysing human resources and comparative labour markets (in a de-identified form)
If your application is unsuccessful
If your application is unsuccessful, the TAC is required to keep your information for at least 6 months to meet its legal record-keeping obligations. The TAC may legally keep your personal information beyond this time for other legitimate purposes. The TAC considers that one such legitimate purpose is to consider your suitability for other roles at the TAC. If a role arises that you may be interested in, the TAC will contact you by email or telephone and ask if you consent to being considered further. You may then be forwarded information about that position or advised how to locate it on the web.
If you do not want your information retained in order to be considered for future roles at the TAC, please email people_culture_engagement@tac.vic.gov.au and include the words "Remove personal information" in the subject line. The TAC will ensure that your application is removed from its database and any associated databases (such as PageUp’s website). The TAC periodically destroys applications (and also ensures that PageUp does so too) independently of you requesting that the TAC do so.
Accessing your Information
You have a right to access any information the TAC holds about you, subject to exceptions in relevant legislation such as the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic). If you would like to access your information, or if you want to know more about how it is stored, used or shared, please contact the TAC Privacy Officer, or the FOI and Privacy Manager at the following:
Email: privacy@tac.vic.gov.au
Phone: 1800 332 556
Post: PO Box 742, Geelong Vic 3220
1) Reference checks conducted by XREF – collection notice
TAC collection notice – for candidates
The TAC has engaged XRef to conduct Referee checks for Candidates on its behalf. The personal information provided by you and your nominated Referees will be collected by XRef, and forwarded to the TAC. The personal information collected by XREF from your nominated Referees relates to your talents, skills, competencies, employment history and attitude in the workplace. It is used by the TAC for the purpose of assessing your suitability for the role.
Neither the TAC nor XREF will use or disclose the personal information provided by you or your Referees for any reason unrelated to the assessment of your suitability for the role, unless it is required by law, or your consent (or your Referees consent) has been obtained. (This is despite anything written to the contrary in XREF’s privacy policy)
If you or your Referees do not provide all of the information requested by XREF, the TAC may not be able to properly assess your suitability for the role.
TAC collection notice – for referees
The TAC has engaged XRef to conduct Referee checks for Candidates on its behalf. Your personal information and the personal information provided by you about the Candidate will be collected by XRef, and forwarded to the TAC. The feedback provided by you about the Candidate’s talents, skills, competencies, employment history and attitude in the workplace is used by the TAC for the purpose of assessing their suitability for the role.
Neither the TAC nor XREF will use or disclose the personal information provided by you for any reason unrelated to the assessment of the Candidate’s for suitability for the role, unless it is required by law, or your consent has been obtained. (This is despite anything written to the contrary in XREF’s privacy policy). Please note that if a Candidate requests a copy of the feedback you provide, it is the TAC’s usual process to provide this in full to the Candidate.
If you do not provide all of the information requested by XREF, the TAC may not be able to properly assess the Candidate’s suitability for the role.
If you wish to gain access to the information you have provided as a part of this process, please contact the TAC’s People, Culture and Engagement Team, or the Freedom of Information Team on 1800 332 556.
2) TAC background checks conducted by CVCheck – collection notice
Who collects your personal information and why?
The TAC has engaged CVCheck to conduct background checks for Candidates on its behalf. The TAC may request CVCheck to contact you and conduct one or more of the following checks where it is relevant to the position at the TAC:
- National and worldwide identity verification searches
- Australian police /criminal background checks through AFP and ACIC
- Other international criminal history and identity checks
- Visa right to work checks
- Professional history qualification and registration checks
- Licencing checks (such as ASIC checks, APRA checks and directorship records)
- Financial history and credit checks using independent consumer and commercial credit reporting services.
The findings /results of the Background checks are compiled by CVCheck and sent to the TAC. The TAC then uses these findings as a part of the recruitment process.
What personal information is collected about you?
In order to conduct the background checks, CVCheck will need to collect your name, contact details, date and place of birth, gender, current and previous residential addresses, and identifying information (such as copies of your driver’s licence, birth certificate or passport). The results of the checks may contain sensitive information including your criminal record history, information about your country of origin or ethnicity, and financial information.
CVCheck will require your consent to conduct some of these checks for the TAC.
While providing the requested information and consent is voluntary, if you do not provide your consent or all or part of the information requested, this may affect your recruitment.
Disclosure of your personal information
CVCheck only discloses your personal information to organisations that are directly relevant to conducting background checks. These include law enforcement organisations (such as ACIC or the Australian Federal Police), government agencies to verify your identity (e.g. Births Registry for birth certificates), and other agencies and organisations relevant to credit checking and financial verifications (e.g. ASIC) For more information about how CVCheck collects, shares and retains your information, see CVChecks collection notice.
The results of the background checks will be provided by CVCheck to the TAC.
The TAC will not use or disclose the personal or sensitive information collected about you for any reason unrelated to recruitment, unless it is required to by law, or your consent has been obtained.
3) TAC onboarding by PageUp - collection notice
Onboarding for new employees
For new starters, the TAC uses PageUp to collect information needed for your future employment such as:
- Your contact information and emergency contact details,
- Financial information including your nominated superannuation fund, bank account details and Tax file number
- Residency /work status
- Information about pre-existing health conditions relevant to the workplace
- Copy of driver’s license/passport/birth certificate
- Signed acknowledgement of having read all TAC policies and procedures
This information will only be shared with TAC staff relevant to the onboarding process, the TAC’s solicitors and Insurers.