Health, disability and compensation research

Health Disability and Compensation (HDC) Research at the TAC aims to invest in and translate high-quality health, disability and compensation research to provide evidence-based insights that are used to meet the TAC’s strategic objectives of supporting people after road trauma get their lives back on track.

Through our research investment, the TAC provides high-quality, outcome-focused health and disability services, as well as continues to improve our business model, systems and processes. By investing in health, disability and compensation research we ensure that the business has access to, and uses, high-quality evidence to develop policy and practice. In the Research and Evaluation team, three streams provide strategic research planning and research program management, translation and communications, and evidence and evaluation functions.

Our research investment model

Our research investment model offers both insourced and outsourced options for commissioning health, disability and compensation research. We can direct research needs to our research panel and we can also administer small grants programs and engage in collaborative research projects.

Our Grant Programs:

Our research panel

A panel of 11 respected Australian organisations are part of the TAC's research investment model. It simplifies research commissioning and provides cost-effective access to qualified research services.

Research Panel members:

  • Deakin University
  • Epworth HealthCare
  • Ernst and Young
  • Health Consult Pty Ltd
  • Institute for Social Science Research – University of Queensland
  • KPMG
  • La Trobe University
  • Monash University
  • Phoenix Australia – Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health
  • Swinburne University of Technology
  • University of Melbourne

Strategic research investment road map and annual plan

The TAC's Health, Disability and Compensation Strategic Research Investment Road Map 2024/27 and Annual Research Plan 2024/25 aligns with the priorities laid out in the TAC’s annual plan.

Strategic Research Investment Road Map 2024/27 and Annual Research Plan 2024/25

For more information on the Health, Disability and Compensation Research Program contact the Research and Evaluation team on

TAC considers requests for research support of projects that are aligned to the TAC’s strategic goals and aspirations. Researchers with a genuine proposal within our scope are advised to review the TAC annual plan prior to directing queries to