Client bank details form

  • Use this form to provide or change bank details to receive TAC payments by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
  • Please notify the TAC immediately if you change your bank account details.
  • This form is for use by TAC clients, their Authorised Representatives, or legal guardian (if the TAC client is a minor). It can also be used by VCAT appointed financial guardians/administrators of TAC client
Client details
I want to *
Bank Account Details Complete this section to provide your bank account details for the first time OR to change your details to a new account.
(maximum of 6 numbers)
(maximum of 9 numbers)
For international bank accounts only
Is this an international account? *
Previously Nominated Account Complete this additional section only if you are changing your bank account details. This is your previous account.
(maximum of 6 numbers)
(maximum of 9 numbers)
Most recent payment

As a security measure, please provide details of the most recent payment you have received from the TAC.


Please pay my TAC payments into this account until further notice.

Disclaimer *

If you are not the TAC Client and are completing this form, please indicate your relationship to the TAC Client (e.g. Authorised Representative, financial administrator, parent, legal guardian).

Your privacy

The TAC will use this information only for the purposes of making payments. Without this information we will not be able to make EFT payments to you. For more information, please see our Privacy policy.