Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030

The Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 commits to the ambitious target of eliminating death from our roads by 2050, with the first step of halving road deaths by 2030.

Victoria is a leader in road safety and has a track record in leading the introduction of lifesaving road safety policies including mandating seatbelts (1970), legislating random breath testing (1976) and introducing speed cameras in (1986).

Yet people continue to die or be seriously injured on our roads.

Since our last strategy, there have been changes in the way we live, work and play – along with advances in vehicle and road technology - which has been taken into consideration in drafting a revised strategy for the coming ten years.

Road Safety Victoria, situated in the Department of Transport, led development of the Strategy. The Strategy was developed in collaboration with the Victorian Road Safety Partnership, made up of the Transport Accident Commission, Victoria Police, the Department of Justice and Community Safety, and the Department of Health and Human Services.

Purpose of the Road Safety Strategy

The purpose of this Strategy is to create a safer road environment and reduce the opportunity for poor decision making.

The Strategy aims to halve road deaths by 2030 and put us on a strong path to eliminate all road deaths by 2050. It also seeks to reduce the incidence of serious injury resulting from road crashes.

The Strategy’s aims and objectives will be delivered via a series of short-term action plans over the life of the Strategy.

Strategy objectives

  • Be safe: ensure all Victorians are safe and feel safe, on and around our roads.
  • 10 year reduction: halve road deaths and progressively reduce serious injuries by 2030.
  • A culture of safety: embed a culture of road safety within the Victorian community.
  • Deliver initiatives: deliver a suite of initiatives that are achievable and have an impact in the short-term, but also prepare the state for the future.

The Strategy’s objectives will be achieved through a combination of methods using policy, innovation and technology, infrastructure improvements, public information campaigns, education programs, enforcement and other mechanisms available to government.

The Strategy focuses on:

  • supporting and enforcing safer driver behaviour.
  • removing unsafe vehicles from our roads.
  • vulnerable and unprotected road users.
  • improving safety on high speed roads and at intersections and reducing the underlying risk.
  • increasing safety for those using the road for work or at work.
  • recognising the importance of post-crash care.

The Strategy will be implemented via a series of short-term action plans of specific programs and initiatives.

Read the Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030

Road Safety Action Plan

Road Safety Action Plan 2 has been developed by the Victorian Road Safety Partners and is the second to be delivered under the Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030.

The key priorities of Road Safety Action Plan 2 are to increase safety across the network, improve safety for our most vulnerable and unprotected road users, address risky behaviours, advance vehicle safety, and engage with our key partners and stakeholders to embed a road safety culture.

Read the Road Safety Action Plan 2 PDF, 3.29MB.