NDIS funding for Specialist Disability Accommodation

If you are a TAC client and an NDIS participant, you may be able to get funding for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA). NDIS funding for SDA may increase your housing options. It could provide you with greater choice and control over where you live.

It does not change the relationship you have with the TAC. It does not affect your TAC funding for treatment and services.

NDIS housing

Specialist disability accommodation (SDA) is a range of housing designed for people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. SDA properties have accessible features to help people live more independently.

Because we follow different legislation, the TAC cannot fund the building and maintenance costs of supported accommodation. SDA funding through the NDIS does cover these costs.

How SDA can benefit you

If you become a NDIS participant and have SDA approved in your plan, you can have:

  • Funding towards housing from the NDIS. This is separate to  any supports  the TAC funds.
  • More options of where you can live, if you wish to move. These options are available across Australia
  • Separate funding for your “housing” and “support”. This means that if you want to change a support provider, it won’t affect your housing
  • Access to more contemporary, disability-specific accommodation options
  • An SDA residency agreement. This provides stronger rights than a standard tenancy agreement. For example, your landlord can’t ask you to leave without finding you suitable temporary housing.

Questions and answers about housing

I live in Shared Supported Accommodation (SSA). Does this mean I have to move?

No. It is your choice whether you wish to apply for SDA funding. You can choose whether you want to move from your current accommodation.

In some cases, SSA’s are becoming SDA registered. This means the people who live in that accommodation will need to be eligible for SDA funding. If you aren’t eligible for SDA funding we can work with you to find alternative accommodation.

Will my TAC funded supports change if I move to SDA?

No. Having SDA funding through the NDIS does not change your TAC funded supports. If you have SDA funding, this will fund the physical house you reside in.  TAC will continue to fund supports delivered within your SDA accommodation.

When identifying the most suitable SDA property, it’s important to identify if the support provider at the property, meets your needs. If you want to continue receiving supports from your existing provider, you will need to check the SDA property can accommodate this request.

Will my living expenses increase?

If you choose to live in an SDA property, you need to pay for reasonable rent and day-to-day expenses, like utilities and food.

Next steps

You can talk to your TAC support coordinator about your housing options. You can also talk to your family and friends.

If you want to find out if you are eligible for SDA funding, you can contact your TAC support coordinator.

If you are already with the NDIS, contact your NDIS planner and ask for help with an NDIS plan review. Let them know you want to add SDA to your NDIS plan.

There is useful information about the NDIS and SDA on the internet. This may help you understand what you want to do.

Specialist disability accommodation - NDIS website

You can also see the types of SDA housing available online. Visit the Housing Hub or on the NDIS website:

