Information brochures

Information products for TAC clients

Anxiety about driving

After a car accident, it is normal to have feelings of anxiety and fear about driving.

If you think you do have anxiety about driving, there are things you can do to overcome it.

At home with the family (for families of children with injuries)

This booklet contains information and suggestions for families of children who've been injured in a transport accident and are about to leave hospital and return home. Topics include: how the TAC can help; adjusting to life at home and overcoming challenges that may arise; community organisations that offer support and counselling; and looking after the welfare of family members.

Claims for accidents that happened before 1987

The TAC scheme is for accidents that happened from 1 January 1987 onward.  However, the TAC can pay for medical treatment or surgery related to an earlier accident if:

  • Your accident date was between 1 September 1980 and 31 December 1986, and
  • You had an accepted claim from the Motor Accidents Board (MAB), and
  • You did not receive a common law settlement (pay out) for the accident.

If you are unsure whether you this applies to you, please contact the TAC Policy team by email. In your email please include:

  • As much detail about the accident as possible, including the approximate date and, if known, the accident location and vehicles involved
  • Your full name at the time the claim was lodged
  • Your date of birth
  • Your current contact details
  • If you are enquiring on behalf of another person, please enclose a signed Authority to Release (client representative) form or a copy of your guardianship or power of attorney documentation.

For more information, please contact the TAC on 1300 654 329.

Completing the TACs Medical Excess declaration form

This fact sheet provides instructions on how to complete the TAC's medical excess form.

Digital health resources

Digital health services provide information, support and resources. They can provide an easy, effective alternative to seeing a health professional in person.

Hospital discharge checklist - preparing to go home

When you are in hospital after a transport accident, it can be difficult to think about what support you may need when you get home. This checklist can help you to start to think about this.

If you need more treatment

When you have an accepted emergency expenses claim, we pay for your ambulance and hospital treatment on the day (and the day after) your accident. If you need more treatment, we will need more information about your accident and your injuries before we can pay.

Impairment benefits

An impairment is a permanent physical or psychological condition caused by your transport accident injury.  Impairment is measured in medical terms. Clinical tests are conducted to measure how, and to what degree, the injury has affected your body movement or organ function.

Impairment examination (TAC)

This information sheet discusses what the expect at your TAC impairment examination, including: what to bring; who will perform the examination; and how your level of impairment will be assessed. Depending on your level of impairment, which is expressed as a percentage rating, you may be entitled to a lump-sum payment from the TAC.

Income support for employees - FAQ

This information sheet has answer to common questions about income support. If you have a question about income support, please call us on 1300 654 329 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:30pm) or email

Income support for self-employed - FAQ

This information sheet has answer to common questions about income support. If you have a question about income support, please call us on 1300 654 329 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:30pm) or email

Living in bushfire risk areas

This information sheet provides practical advice for vulnerable Victorians living in bushfire risk areas about preparing bushfire survival plans and being 'fire-ready'. In some cases, the TAC can consider funding requests for domestic assistance from eligible clients who are unable to undertake bushfire readiness tasks as a result of their accident injuries.

Loss of earnings capacity

This information sheet is for clients currently receiving TAC loss of earnings capacity (LOEC) benefits. It explains: how the benefits are calculated; how long, by law, the TAC is able to pay; what documents you need to supply to the TAC to continue receiving LOEC payments; and how the TAC can help you get back to work.

Medical examinations for TAC clients

This information sheet explains what to expect at TAC medical examinations that clients claiming support services are required to attend. You will also find details of what you need to bring and reimbursements (e.g. for travel or work absence related to your examination appointment) that you may be eligible to claim.

Mental health – digital resources for TAC clients

Digital mental health services provide information, support and resources. They can provide an easy, effective alternative to seeing a health professional in person.

Minors additional benefit

The minor’s additional benefit is a weekly benefit that helps with the extra cost of looking after your injured child.

We pay the benefit to the parents or guardians of a child whose impairment is 11% or more.

On-call services information sheet (general)

Our attendant care providers support clients to achieve their independence goals in daily living activities, therapy support, personal and domestic skills retraining and community access skills.

Outreach Provider contact list

The Outreach Service (OS) supports clients with psychosocial or mental health issues, behaviours of concern and other support needs. This list of registered outreach providers includes contact details and the regions they service.

Pain education and management

This information describes different ways to manage and learn about pain. It can help you develop strategies to return to work, reduce dependence on medication and improve mental health.

A Pain Education Program is an effective way to help treat persistent pain. These programs are discreet, accessible at any time and often self-directed. Most are free or low-cost.

A Pain Management Program is a more tailored, intensive program under the direction of a pain management provider.

A Network Pain Management Program is a Pain Management Program delivered within the TAC’s approved network of pain management providers.

Peer Support Service information sheet

Peer support is when people share and receive practical information, experiences, emotional support with someone else on a similar journey.

Peer support options are generally free, person centred and aimed at helping people cope with a variety of health and social conditions.

While the TAC recognises that peer support programs can be a valuable support for our clients and encourages clients to participate, any costs related to a peer support program are payable by the client, including but not restricted to, attendance, access and transport.

Principles of peer support as outlined by the Department of Human Services are generally accepted as a guideline for things for users to look for when sourcing a peer support.

Post-hospital support

If you need treatment in hospital as an inpatient or for day surgery more than three years after your accident, the TAC can support you for a short time while you recover.

Privacy policy

This document sets out the TAC's privacy policy, including how the organisation protects clients' personal, health and claim information.

Research charter

The TAC regularly conducts client research and you might be asked to participate. We want to continue to improve our service, so we need to know what you think about the way we do things. We greatly value all the feedback you provide.

Service charter for TAC clients

Our aim is to work with you and your health professionals in a positive, honest and professional manner. We want to ensure you receive reasonable and appropriate treatment and services for your accident-related injuries.  This document outlines standard of service you can expect from the TAC.

Supporting you after a transport accident

This leaflet provides an overview of the treatment and support services available to you to help you get your life back on track after a transport accident.


Surgery service charter for TAC clients

We understand that having surgery is an important part of your health and recovery.  We will be transparent and timely when we make a decision about paying for your surgery.

TAC income support and return to work

This information sheet explains what happens to your TAC income support when you go back to work.

TACLink - Contact numbers to speak to TAC in your own language

This document provides telephone numbers to speak with the TAC in your own language.

Voc provider brochures

Vocational Services providers

The TAC's vocational services panel members are experts in helping people get back to work and will focus on getting the best outcomes for you.

Information products for TAC clients with major injuries

A Guide to Individualised Funding

This booklet explains how Individualised Funding works and provides detailed information about setting up your bank account, budgeting your finances and paying for your services.

Attendant care - choosing an agency

Our attendant care providers support clients to achieve their independence goals in daily living activities, therapy support, personal and domestic skills retraining and community access skills.

Attendant care - Provider list

Our attendant care providers support clients to achieve their independence goals in daily living activities, therapy support, personal and domestic skills retraining and community access skills.

Daily support

Our attendant care providers support clients to achieve their independence goals in daily living activities, therapy support, personal and domestic skills retraining and community access skills.

Emergency hospital information

This booklet provides useful information for relatives of people who have been injured in a transport accident and are being treated at an emergency hospital. Topics include: the role of the TAC Early Support Coordinator; benefits and services that the TAC can pay for; looking after yourself; and what will happen next when your family member moves to a rehabilitation hospital.

Home modifications - TAC guided self-managed

A guide for the client and their builder where the client chooses to self-manage their home modification. This information highlights aspects of home modification that the client and their builder need to be aware of during the approval, planning and build phases of the home modification process.

Home modifications - TAC project managed

This brochure describes the process for project managed home modification. It also lists the roles and responsibilities of the people involved.

Home, leisure and work

This booklet provides information and ideas for people with major injuries about adjusting to life at home and in the community. It explains how the TAC can help as well as some of the services and opportunities available from public organisations to improve independence, social interaction and enjoyment in life.

Outreach Provider contact list

The Outreach Service (OS) supports clients with psychosocial or mental health issues, behaviours of concern and other support needs. This list of registered outreach providers includes contact details and the regions they service.

Rehabilitation - at the rehabilitation hospital

This booklet provides information and assurance for clients moving into a rehabilitation facility about what to expect and how the TAC can assist. Topics include: how your rehabilitation program will help improve your ability to do things and increase independence; and preparing your Independence Plan of individual goals you want to achieve in the short and long term.

Rehabilitation - preparing to go home

This booklet provides information and assurance for people with major injuries who are preparing to leave the rehabilitation hospital and return home. It explains the next stage of your rehabilitation and Independence Plan as well the support services that the TAC can fund to help with day-to-day tasks.

Shared supported accommodations - your rights and responsibilities

This information sheet sets out the rights and responsibilities of people with disabilities when choosing and living in shared supported accommodation (i.e. houses that have paid carers to provide personal care, nursing, rehabilitation, meal and housekeeping services).

Specialist Disability Accommodation

This information sheet provides advice for clients who the TAC has agreed to pay supported accommodation services. It explains the different supported accommodation options available and provides guidance on how to choose an arrangement that will best suit your specific needs.

Supported accommodation - choosing a service

This information sheet provides advice for clients who the TAC has agreed to pay supported accommodation services. It explains the different supported accommodation options available and provides guidance on how to choose an arrangement that will best suit your specific needs.

Supported leisure options

Our attendant care providers support clients to achieve their independence goals in daily living activities, therapy support, personal and domestic skills retraining and community access skills.

Therapy support

This information sheet describes the therapy support available to help clients achieve rehabilitation goals or develop day-to-day living skills. The therapy support is provided by an Allied Health Assistant (AHA) under the direction of your treating health professionals.

Using modified vehicles - cost exemptions

If you need to use a modified vehicle as a result of your transport accident injuries, you may be exempt from paying some normal costs associated with purchasing and owning the vehicle.

Vehicle modifications - TAC Client information sheet

This information sheet outlines who can apply for TAC-funded vehicle modifications to ensure safety, accessibility and independence as a driver or passenger. It also explains the assessment and approval process, examples of vehicle modifications (e.g. hand controls to operate the accelerator and brake) and the legal contracts involved.

Working together

This information sheet lets you know about your rights and responsibilities as a TAC client and the rights and responsibilities of anyone you have authorised to act on your behalf.

It also sets out the rights and responsibilities of our staff.

Your care brochure

You have the right to be safe and to be treated with dignity and respect at all times.

The TAC takes the care, safety and wellbeing of our clients very seriously.

This information will help you decide if the care and support you receive is fair and appropriate.

The links below are to non-TAC online resources that relate to quality and safeguarding:

You can also access information from the TAC on your care and support:

Information products for employers

Returning to work - information for employers

You have an important part to play in your employee's successful return to work. A timely return to work can help your employee's overall rehabilitation after an accident.

The TAC will work with you and the injured employee to get them back to work as soon as possible. If you have any questions about an injured employee returning to work, call the TAC on 1300 654 329.

Returning to work - information for new employers

The TAC recognises that returning to work is an important part of an injured person's rehabilitation after a transport accident. The TAC's first step is to contact the injured person's employer. However, in some instances the TAC client is unable to return to their pre-accident employer and/or their pre-accident role.

Where the pre-accident role is not suitable and the pre-accident employer does not have any other roles to offer, the TAC can assist our clients to find new employment.

As part of the return to work process, the TAC can provide a package of incentives to support an employer while they help a TAC client return to employment.

Other Publications

Archived rates

Common Law Protocols

The Common Law Protocols are an agreement that outlines how the TAC and your personal injury lawyer work together during your common law compensation claim.

The Protocols were developed by the Law Institute of Victoria (LIV), the Australian Lawyers Alliance (ALA) and the TAC to make the legal process faster and easier. Most lawyers who are members of the LIV or the ALA follow them.

Engaging a lawyer who follows the Protocols will generally result in a faster and easier outcome for your claim. It is also likely your case will resolve without having to go to Court. This may also mean less legal costs for you.

Your lawyer will help you through the process and provide you with tailored and independent legal advice.

You are entitled to ask a lawyer if they operate within the Protocols before engaging them.

The below documents summarise the Protocols. These have been agreed by the TAC, LIV and ALA. They cover common law entitlements, assessment procedures, information exchange and settlement.

Dispute resolution protocols

These documents summarise the Protocols agreed by the TAC, Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) and Australian Lawyers Alliance (ALA) to achieve dispute resolution regarding no-fault claims.

Funding of designated scheme test cases guidelines

This document outlines the circumstances in which the TAC may agree to fund a client's legal costs (in the event of a 'test case') and the relevant procedures that need to be followed.

Impairment protocols

These documents summarise the protocols agreed by the TAC, Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) and Australian Lawyers Alliance (ALA) regarding impairment entitlements, assessment procedures, information exchange and delivery of payments for seriously injured clients.

Legal costs recovery guidelines

This summarises the TAC's protocols regarding legal costs recovery where clients have been involved in court proceedings.

Access Legal costs recovery guidelines

Protocol Legal costs

These documents outline the legal costs payable for matters resolved under the TAC Protocols.

Serious injury applications - Guidelines for pre-hearing conferences

This document summarises the protocols associated with pre-hearings of TAC clients' serious injury applications as part of the litigation process.

Transport Accident Charge (premium) rates

This document provides a detailed description of the transport accident charges (according to vehicle type, capacity and location) Victorian motorists pay when registering their vehicles with VicRoads each year. Funding from the charge enables the TAC to pay for treatment and support services for people injured in transport accidents as well as promoting road safety.