Minors additional benefit (webpage)
What is the minors’ additional benefit?
The minors’ additional benefit is a weekly benefit that helps with the extra cost of looking after your injured child.
We pay the benefit to the parents or guardians of a child whose impairment is 11% or more.
Impairment is a permanent physical or psychological condition caused by a person’s accident injuries.
Independent Medical Examiners work out a person’s impairment rating. Your child may need to go to several exams before they get their final impairment rating.
More information about impairment is on our website at tac.vic.gov.au/impairment
When does the minors’ additional benefit start?
The minors’ additional benefit starts 18 months from the date of the transport accident. We pay the benefit until your child turns 18 years old.
How is the minors’ additional benefit calculated?
We use a formula set out in the Transport Accident Act 1986 to calculate the benefit. This formula uses the child’s impairment rating as part of the calculation.
For example, if a child’s level of impairment is 20%, the formula is:
$228* x 20% = $45.60 per week.
*$228 applies from 1 July 2024 until 30 June 2025. This amount is updated every year, according to the Average Weekly Earnings survey.
How is the benefit paid? Can the TAC pay into a bank account in my child’s name?
We pay the benefit each fortnight to the parents or guardians of the injured child.
By law, the TAC can’t make a payment to a person under 18 years of age.
What happens when my child turns 18 years old?
We stop paying the minor’s additional benefit when your child turns 18. We then review your child’s claim to work out if we can pay them an impairment benefit as an adult.
An impairment benefit is a lump sum payment made to a person over the age of 18, who has an impairment rating of 11% or more.
We will contact you before your child turns 18 to talk about what happens next.
Does the TAC still pay for medical treatment and related expenses if my child gets the minors’ additional or impairment benefit?
Yes. If you get a minors’ additional or impairment benefit, we still pay for medical treatment and related expenses.
Is the minors’ additional benefit taxable?
No. This benefit is compensation for loss of an asset (on behalf of your child). This means it is capital in nature and not taxable.
Does the minors’ additional benefit affect Centrelink benefits?
We recommend that you contact Centrelink to check if the minors’ additional benefit can affect your Centrelink benefits.
Are there any other types of compensation my child is eligible for?
If your child is seriously injured in a transport accident and someone else was at fault, they may be able to get a common law compensation payment.
The payment is for pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life. It may also be for a future financial loss because of the accident. More information is on our website at tac.vic.gov.au/commonlaw
Where can I get more information about my child’s claim?
Please contact:
Nicole De Vito
Lump Sum Coordinator, Direct Care Team
(03) 5225 6053