Community group program provider guidelines

Please note: All service providers funded by the TAC to deliver a disability service for a TAC client with disability in Victoria must comply with the requirements of the new Social Services Regulator that came into effect on 1 July 2024.

Please refer to the TAC’s Social Services Regulations webpage to find out how this may impact the services you deliver and/or refer to the Social Services Regulator webpage for more details on registering with the new regulator.

These guidelines should be read in conjunction with the information at Working with the TAC.

Who can provide community group programs?

Community group programs and community access planning can only be provided by a provider authorised and approved by us. See our Schedule 2 Authorised Disability Service.

Registration requirements

A community access planner must have satisfied the following criteria in order to be registered by us to provide services:

  • Completed a minimum Certificate IV in either Disability or Recreation Studies.
  • At least three years relevant experience in working with people with a disability.
  • Appropriate police clearance checks and other compliance where relevant, such as Working with Children.
  • Agreed to comply with the following:

These services must be approved by us in writing prior to provision.

When registering with us, a provider of a community group program must provide evidence of:

  • Certificate of Company Registration
  • Public liability insurance, for a minimum of $10,000,000
  • Professional indemnity insurance, for a minimum of $10,000,000
  • Workers' compensation insurance in accordance with applicable legislation
  • Appropriate police clearance checks and other compliance where relevant, such as Working with Children.
  • Experience in providing programs for people with disabilities
  • The source of funding for their current programs
  • The type of clients the program is currently providing for
  • The current program fee/cost for participants to attend the group, and what this fee includes
  • Transport options and charges to current program participants
  • An agreement to comply with our privacy guidelines and secrecy provisions

Providers of community group programs and access planning must agree to comply with:

What we can pay for

We can help pay the reasonable costs of community group services or community access planning, with our approval, when requested as a result of an transport injury. Services include:

Community access, which refers to community access planning and/or community group program services.

Community access planning, a service provided to a client to:

  • Maintain and enhance peer support networks
  • Facilitate sharing of support services funded by us
  • Assist with independent access to the community
  • Assess and review the support needed, to enable a client to participate in community based leisure or recreation activities
  • Link clients into mainstream or supported community-based leisure or recreational activities
  • Monitor client participation in community activities, to ensure programs continue to appropriately address client needs

Community group programs, individually tailored programs of supported group activities for clients which:

  • Are specifically designed for clients who require shared support to maximise their independence opportunities in leisure or recreational activities outside the home
  • Are provided within community-based facilities at community-based locations
  • Are flexible and responsive to a client's support needs, goals and interests
  • Cover a range of programs and activities which address skill acquisition, recreation and leisure
  • Support the development of community living, social skills and peer support networks
  • Build capacity and facilitate the client's transition to meaningful mainstream community-based leisure and recreational activities
  • Provide support to clients with a disability in a manner that respects their privacy and dignity
  • Enhance the client’s quality of life

Shared travel, or travel that is:

  • Provided by the community group program provider in their organisational vehicle
  • For two or more clients, to and from activities as part of the client's approved community group programs

What we cannot pay for

We cannot pay for:

  • Services for a person other than our client
  • Services that are of no clear benefit to our client
  • Services not authorised by us under the Transport Accident Act 1986
  • Services subcontracted to, or provided by, a non-registered provider
  • Fees associated with cancellation or non-attendance
  • Services where approval has not been sought from us
  • Treatment or services provided outside the Commonwealth of Australia
  • Services that are not provided in the community, such as hospital based groups
    • Activity costs associated with participation in community activities including:
    • Entry fees, such as entry to an art gallery
    • Activity costs, such as the purchase costs of roller skates
    • Materials, such as wood for woodworking
    • Hire of equipment and/or hire of facility component of activity, teaching or instruction of the activity, such as bowling balls or bowling shoes

Also see general items we cannot pay for.

For more information

Access our policies for health and support services.