Disability service providers
Please note: All service providers funded by the TAC to deliver a disability service for a TAC client with disability in Victoria must comply with the requirements of the new Social Services Regulator that came into effect on 1 July 2024.
Please refer to the TAC’s Social Services Regulations webpage to find out how this may impact the services you deliver and/or refer to the Social Services Regulator webpage for more details on registering with the new regulator.
Attendant care and CISS provider registration
The TAC and WorkSafe are not currently accepting new applications for disability service provider registration. The registration process is being updated to align with the requirements of the Victorian Social Services Regulator. The process will be outlined on our website when finalised.
Unless asked to by a TAC staff member, please do not submit an application for IRQS (Independently Reviewed against Quality Standards) registration.
If you have any questions, please contact us at sectors@tac.vic.gov.au. To discuss the needs of a specific client, please contact their TAC claims representative.
To be eligible for attendant care registration
Attendant care and CISS providers must register with us through the IRQS application process to deliver services to our clients. Services will not be paid for until approval has been granted via this registration process.
For more information on the TAC’s minimum standards for registration, refer to the attendant care policy, attendant care provider guidelines and registration terms and conditions.
Evidence of accreditation status
You must be an accredited provider of disability services with another relevant government organisation, such as the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIA) or the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) to be eligible to provide these services to TAC clients and WorkSafe injured workers.
We will ask you for evidence of your accreditation status as part of your application as it is a mandatory requirement.
Minimum requirements and application documents
List of minimum requirements for applicants
- Provide evidence of your accreditation to provide disability services with another relevant government organisation, such as NDIA or DFFH.
- Ensure your staff meet the minimum requirements to provide care which are demonstrated competency in areas relevant to the needs of clients/workers including:
- CPR – anaphylaxis
- First aid
- Food safety
- Infection control
- Fire Safety
- Manual Handling
- AFAC Fire Safety Awareness Training
- Administration of medication
- Understanding Abuse – Zero Tolerance
- Ensure your staff complete a client/worker specific training program, where required by us as a result of a client's specialised support needs.
- Have a minimum of $5 million professional indemnity insurance coverage and a minimum of $5 million public liability insurance coverage with the initial application.
- Ensure all staff have current police checks and working with children checks as appropriate when working on TAC programs.
List of documents you must include with your application
For all providers
- Letter or Certificate of Registration and/or accreditation
- Accreditation /Certification against TAC recognised quality assurance systems, including:
- Attendant Care Industry Standard (ACIS)
- Quality Improvement Council (QIC) Health & Community Services Standards
- EquIP
- ISO 9001:2008 and any other quality assurance system that we recognise.
- Conflict of Interest policy
- Organisational policies/processes for responding to potential or actual abuse, neglect, exploitation and preventable injury
- Policy/process regarding the handling of client/workers’ money/finances
- Confidentiality and Privacy policy
- Complaints Policy
- Public Liability Insurance policy
- Professional Indemnity Insurance policy
- Staff training calendar
- Organisation structure chart (not required if you are an existing DFFH or NDIA registered provider)
- Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics or Service Charter (not required if you are an existing DFFH or NDIA registered provider)
- Two written references from independent community and/or health professionals (not required if you are an existing DFFH or NDIA registered provider)
Additional requirements for CISS providers
CISS providers must meet all attendant care services criteria listed above and:
- be a Disability Service provider or ABI support organisation
- employ staff to conduct the service that possess either an Associate Diploma or Certificate IV qualification in disability, community services or equivalent
If you meet the requirements
If you meet the above eligibility requirements and are seeking to apply for IRQS registration for a particular client need that can be demonstrated, please contact us at sectors@tac.vic.gov.au
Please note: All service providers funded by the TAC to deliver a disability service for a TAC client with disability in Victoria must comply with the requirements of the new Social Services Regulator that came into effect on 1 July 2024.
Please refer to the TAC’s Social Services Regulations webpage to find out how this may impact the services you deliver and/or refer to the Social Services Regulator webpage for more details on registering with the new regulator.
Shared supported accommodation provider registration
The TAC and WorkSafe are not currently accepting new applications for disability service provider registration. The registration process is being updated to align with the requirements of the Victorian Social Services Regulator. The process will be outlined on our website when finalised.
Unless asked to by a TAC staff member, please do not submit an application for IRQS (Independently Reviewed against Quality Standards) registration.
If you have any questions, please contact us at sectors@tac.vic.gov.au. To discuss the needs of a specific client, please contact their TAC claims representative.
General information and instructions
Shared supported accommodation (SSA) service providers can register with the Transport Accident Commission (“TAC”) and Victorian WorkCover Authority (“WorkSafe”) to provide supported accommodation services to TAC clients and injured workers under the Transport Accident Act 1986 (“TAA”) and the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 (“WIRC”).
This document specifies service provision and accommodation standards within Shared Supported Accommodation (“SSA”) settings, as defined under subsection (d) of the definition of supported accommodation in section 3 the TAA.
Subsection (d): “a group home or other residential facility approved by the Commission for the purposes of section 60”.
For provision of SSA for WorkSafe injured workers, the applicable definition of supported accommodation is under section 223 of the WIRC Act.
Subsection (d): “a group home or other residential facility approved by the Authority for the purposes of this section”.
The TAA defines disability service as the provision to or for a person who is disabled as a result of an injury in a transport accident of any service (other than a rehabilitation service or a hospital service) relating to attendant care, assistance, accommodation support, community access, respite care or household help, the provision of which service is an authorised service in accordance with section 23 of the TAA.
Disability service providers must be IRQS (Independently Reviewed against Quality Standards) registered with the TAC to deliver attendant care services before progressing to registration as a SSA service provider.
The purpose of the SSA provider registration and property enrolment process is to enable providers to understand the requirements of the TAC that relate to the quality of support provided to clients, the minimum standards for the properties in which services are delivered, and provider’s obligations under IRQS registration. The TAC places the highest priority on quality and safeguarding for our clients, enabling clients to lead safe lives free from abuse, neglect, exploitation and preventable injury. Consistent with contemporary disability practice and standards, the TAC expects services to facilitate individuals’ autonomy, respect, wellbeing and participation.
How to apply
1. Be IRQS registered
You must first have IRQS approval from the TAC to deliver attendant care services. If you do not have IRQS approval, please do not proceed with SSA registration.
2. Complete form for SSA provider registration
Read and complete the Shared Supported Accommodation Provider Registration form. This includes:
- Property enrolment criteria
- Terms and conditions of registration
- Signing the Declaration and Consent
Resource list
3. Complete form(s) for SSA property enrolment
Complete and sign a Shared Supported Accommodation Property Enrolment Application for each property at which SSA services will be provided to TAC/WorkSafe funded residents.
Resource list
4. Submit forms and documents
The Shared Supported Accommodation Provider Registration form and Shared Supported Accommodation Property Enrolment Application are fillable Word documents, which you can complete and sign digitally.
Email these completed forms and all supporting documents (as PDF files) to sectors@tac.vic.gov.au.
What happens next
The TAC will review your application and notify you of the outcome in writing. If a discrepancy arises with your submission, one of our representatives will contact you directly.
Registration will be for a three year duration, after which time providers will need to complete registration renewal and property re-enrolment attestation, and may be required to provide updated third-party verification documentation to support re-registration.
If you have any questions, please contact us at sectors@tac.vic.gov.au.
Choice and control
Shared Supported Accommodation should provide a ‘home-like’ environment where support is provided in a way which facilitates a resident's choice and control.
The views and priorities expressed by our clients living in Shared Supported Accommodation – captured in this word cloud – emphasise the importance of choice, a home-like environment and the need to feel respected, safe, secure and understood.
Please note: All service providers funded by the TAC to deliver a disability service for a TAC client with disability in Victoria must comply with the requirements of the new Social Services Regulator that came into effect on 1 July 2024.
Please refer to the TAC’s Social Services Regulations webpage to find out how this may impact the services you deliver and/or refer to the Social Services Regulator webpage for more details on registering with the new regulator.
Outreach provider registration
The TAC is not currently accepting new applications for outreach provider registration.
If you have any questions, please contact us at sectors@tac.vic.gov.au.
To be eligible for registration
Outreach providers need to be registered with the TAC to provide services to TAC clients under Victorian transport accident legislation. The TAC expects the delivery of services to be based on a strengths based recovery model. Providers are expected to work holistically, with the delivery of services to be consistent with the goals of the client's treating team.
To be eligible to provide outreach services for TAC clients, a service provider must:
- be a party to a service agreement with the Victorian Department of Health to deliver Mental Health Community Support Services (Individualised Client Support Packages) and
- complete the Provider Registration form
Registration can be maintained by the provider by continuing to meet these registration criteria and any amendments to the criteria or requirements made by the TAC. The TAC reserves the right to audit providers to ensure compliance with all criteria and standards.
For more information, please refer to the TAC’s Outreach Guidelines.
Note: Services will not be paid for until approval has been granted via the registration process.
Please note: All service providers funded by the TAC to deliver a disability service for a TAC client with disability in Victoria must comply with the requirements of the new Social Services Regulator that came into effect on 1 July 2024.
Please refer to the TAC’s Social Services Regulations webpage to find out how this may impact the services you deliver and/or refer to the Social Services Regulator webpage for more details on registering with the new regulator.
Case management provider registration
The TAC is not currently accepting new applications for case management provider registration.
If there are exceptional circumstances where a specific client need can be demonstrated, please contact us at sectors@tac.vic.gov.au to request further consideration.
To be eligible for registration
Case management providers need to be registered with the TAC to provide services to TAC clients under Victorian transport accident legislation. The TAC expects the delivery of services to be based on a strengths based recovery model. Providers are expected to work holistically, with the delivery of services to be consistent with the goals of the client's treating team.
To be eligible to provide case management services for TAC clients, a service provider must:
- Be qualified and experienced in delivering case management interventions to clients. Minimum qualifications are required to be at a diploma level and can include social work, community service work, disability work, allied health or nursing. And,
- Complete the Provider Registration form
Registration can be maintained by the provider by continuing to meet these registration criteria and any amendments to the criteria or requirements made by the TAC. The TAC reserves the right to audit providers to ensure compliance with all criteria and standards.
For more information, please refer to the TAC’s Case Management Guidelines.
Note: Services will not be paid for until approval has been granted via this registration process.
Please note: All service providers funded by the TAC to deliver a disability service for a TAC client with disability in Victoria must comply with the requirements of the new Social Services Regulator that came into effect on 1 July 2024.
Please refer to the TAC’s Social Services Regulations webpage to find out how this may impact the services you deliver and/or refer to the Social Services Regulator webpage for more details on registering with the new regulator.
Attendant care and CISS provider registration
The TAC and WorkSafe are not currently accepting new applications for disability service provider registration. The registration process is being updated to align with the requirements of the Victorian Social Services Regulator. The process will be outlined on our website when finalised.
Unless asked to by a TAC staff member, please do not submit an application for IRQS (Independently Reviewed against Quality Standards) registration.
If you have any questions, please contact us at sectors@tac.vic.gov.au. To discuss the needs of a specific client, please contact their TAC claims representative.
To be eligible for attendant care registration
Attendant care and CISS providers must register with us through the IRQS application process to deliver services to our clients. Services will not be paid for until approval has been granted via this registration process.
For more information on the TAC’s minimum standards for registration, refer to the attendant care policy, attendant care provider guidelines and registration terms and conditions.
Evidence of accreditation status
You must be an accredited provider of disability services with another relevant government organisation, such as the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIA) or the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) to be eligible to provide these services to TAC clients and WorkSafe injured workers.
We will ask you for evidence of your accreditation status as part of your application as it is a mandatory requirement.
Minimum requirements and application documents
List of minimum requirements for applicants
- Provide evidence of your accreditation to provide disability services with another relevant government organisation, such as NDIA or DFFH.
- Ensure your staff meet the minimum requirements to provide care which are demonstrated competency in areas relevant to the needs of clients/workers including:
- CPR – anaphylaxis
- First aid
- Food safety
- Infection control
- Fire Safety
- Manual Handling
- AFAC Fire Safety Awareness Training
- Administration of medication
- Understanding Abuse – Zero Tolerance
- Ensure your staff complete a client/worker specific training program, where required by us as a result of a client's specialised support needs.
- Have a minimum of $5 million professional indemnity insurance coverage and a minimum of $5 million public liability insurance coverage with the initial application.
- Ensure all staff have current police checks and working with children checks as appropriate when working on TAC programs.
List of documents you must include with your application
For all providers
- Letter or Certificate of Registration and/or accreditation
- Accreditation /Certification against TAC recognised quality assurance systems, including:
- Attendant Care Industry Standard (ACIS)
- Quality Improvement Council (QIC) Health & Community Services Standards
- EquIP
- ISO 9001:2008 and any other quality assurance system that we recognise.
- Conflict of Interest policy
- Organisational policies/processes for responding to potential or actual abuse, neglect, exploitation and preventable injury
- Policy/process regarding the handling of client/workers’ money/finances
- Confidentiality and Privacy policy
- Complaints Policy
- Public Liability Insurance policy
- Professional Indemnity Insurance policy
- Staff training calendar
- Organisation structure chart (not required if you are an existing DFFH or NDIA registered provider)
- Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics or Service Charter (not required if you are an existing DFFH or NDIA registered provider)
- Two written references from independent community and/or health professionals (not required if you are an existing DFFH or NDIA registered provider)
Additional requirements for CISS providers
CISS providers must meet all attendant care services criteria listed above and:
- be a Disability Service provider or ABI support organisation
- employ staff to conduct the service that possess either an Associate Diploma or Certificate IV qualification in disability, community services or equivalent
If you meet the requirements
If you meet the above eligibility requirements and are seeking to apply for IRQS registration for a particular client need that can be demonstrated, please contact us at sectors@tac.vic.gov.au
Please note: All service providers funded by the TAC to deliver a disability service for a TAC client with disability in Victoria must comply with the requirements of the new Social Services Regulator that came into effect on 1 July 2024.
Please refer to the TAC’s Social Services Regulations webpage to find out how this may impact the services you deliver and/or refer to the Social Services Regulator webpage for more details on registering with the new regulator.
Shared supported accommodation provider registration
The TAC and WorkSafe are not currently accepting new applications for disability service provider registration. The registration process is being updated to align with the requirements of the Victorian Social Services Regulator. The process will be outlined on our website when finalised.
Unless asked to by a TAC staff member, please do not submit an application for IRQS (Independently Reviewed against Quality Standards) registration.
If you have any questions, please contact us at sectors@tac.vic.gov.au. To discuss the needs of a specific client, please contact their TAC claims representative.
General information and instructions
Shared supported accommodation (SSA) service providers can register with the Transport Accident Commission (“TAC”) and Victorian WorkCover Authority (“WorkSafe”) to provide supported accommodation services to TAC clients and injured workers under the Transport Accident Act 1986 (“TAA”) and the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 (“WIRC”).
This document specifies service provision and accommodation standards within Shared Supported Accommodation (“SSA”) settings, as defined under subsection (d) of the definition of supported accommodation in section 3 the TAA.
Subsection (d): “a group home or other residential facility approved by the Commission for the purposes of section 60”.
For provision of SSA for WorkSafe injured workers, the applicable definition of supported accommodation is under section 223 of the WIRC Act.
Subsection (d): “a group home or other residential facility approved by the Authority for the purposes of this section”.
The TAA defines disability service as the provision to or for a person who is disabled as a result of an injury in a transport accident of any service (other than a rehabilitation service or a hospital service) relating to attendant care, assistance, accommodation support, community access, respite care or household help, the provision of which service is an authorised service in accordance with section 23 of the TAA.
Disability service providers must be IRQS (Independently Reviewed against Quality Standards) registered with the TAC to deliver attendant care services before progressing to registration as a SSA service provider.
The purpose of the SSA provider registration and property enrolment process is to enable providers to understand the requirements of the TAC that relate to the quality of support provided to clients, the minimum standards for the properties in which services are delivered, and provider’s obligations under IRQS registration. The TAC places the highest priority on quality and safeguarding for our clients, enabling clients to lead safe lives free from abuse, neglect, exploitation and preventable injury. Consistent with contemporary disability practice and standards, the TAC expects services to facilitate individuals’ autonomy, respect, wellbeing and participation.
How to apply
1. Be IRQS registered
You must first have IRQS approval from the TAC to deliver attendant care services. If you do not have IRQS approval, please do not proceed with SSA registration.
2. Complete form for SSA provider registration
Read and complete the Shared Supported Accommodation Provider Registration form. This includes:
- Property enrolment criteria
- Terms and conditions of registration
- Signing the Declaration and Consent
Resource list
3. Complete form(s) for SSA property enrolment
Complete and sign a Shared Supported Accommodation Property Enrolment Application for each property at which SSA services will be provided to TAC/WorkSafe funded residents.
Resource list
4. Submit forms and documents
The Shared Supported Accommodation Provider Registration form and Shared Supported Accommodation Property Enrolment Application are fillable Word documents, which you can complete and sign digitally.
Email these completed forms and all supporting documents (as PDF files) to sectors@tac.vic.gov.au.
What happens next
The TAC will review your application and notify you of the outcome in writing. If a discrepancy arises with your submission, one of our representatives will contact you directly.
Registration will be for a three year duration, after which time providers will need to complete registration renewal and property re-enrolment attestation, and may be required to provide updated third-party verification documentation to support re-registration.
If you have any questions, please contact us at sectors@tac.vic.gov.au.
Choice and control
Shared Supported Accommodation should provide a ‘home-like’ environment where support is provided in a way which facilitates a resident's choice and control.
The views and priorities expressed by our clients living in Shared Supported Accommodation – captured in this word cloud – emphasise the importance of choice, a home-like environment and the need to feel respected, safe, secure and understood.
Please note: All service providers funded by the TAC to deliver a disability service for a TAC client with disability in Victoria must comply with the requirements of the new Social Services Regulator that came into effect on 1 July 2024.
Please refer to the TAC’s Social Services Regulations webpage to find out how this may impact the services you deliver and/or refer to the Social Services Regulator webpage for more details on registering with the new regulator.
Outreach provider registration
The TAC is not currently accepting new applications for outreach provider registration.
If you have any questions, please contact us at sectors@tac.vic.gov.au.
To be eligible for registration
Outreach providers need to be registered with the TAC to provide services to TAC clients under Victorian transport accident legislation. The TAC expects the delivery of services to be based on a strengths based recovery model. Providers are expected to work holistically, with the delivery of services to be consistent with the goals of the client's treating team.
To be eligible to provide outreach services for TAC clients, a service provider must:
- be a party to a service agreement with the Victorian Department of Health to deliver Mental Health Community Support Services (Individualised Client Support Packages) and
- complete the Provider Registration form
Registration can be maintained by the provider by continuing to meet these registration criteria and any amendments to the criteria or requirements made by the TAC. The TAC reserves the right to audit providers to ensure compliance with all criteria and standards.
For more information, please refer to the TAC’s Outreach Guidelines.
Note: Services will not be paid for until approval has been granted via the registration process.
Please note: All service providers funded by the TAC to deliver a disability service for a TAC client with disability in Victoria must comply with the requirements of the new Social Services Regulator that came into effect on 1 July 2024.
Please refer to the TAC’s Social Services Regulations webpage to find out how this may impact the services you deliver and/or refer to the Social Services Regulator webpage for more details on registering with the new regulator.
Case management provider registration
The TAC is not currently accepting new applications for case management provider registration.
If there are exceptional circumstances where a specific client need can be demonstrated, please contact us at sectors@tac.vic.gov.au to request further consideration.
To be eligible for registration
Case management providers need to be registered with the TAC to provide services to TAC clients under Victorian transport accident legislation. The TAC expects the delivery of services to be based on a strengths based recovery model. Providers are expected to work holistically, with the delivery of services to be consistent with the goals of the client's treating team.
To be eligible to provide case management services for TAC clients, a service provider must:
- Be qualified and experienced in delivering case management interventions to clients. Minimum qualifications are required to be at a diploma level and can include social work, community service work, disability work, allied health or nursing. And,
- Complete the Provider Registration form
Registration can be maintained by the provider by continuing to meet these registration criteria and any amendments to the criteria or requirements made by the TAC. The TAC reserves the right to audit providers to ensure compliance with all criteria and standards.
For more information, please refer to the TAC’s Case Management Guidelines.
Note: Services will not be paid for until approval has been granted via this registration process.