Claims Involving Hospitalisation Annual

Calendar year to midnight 31 December 2023

Claims data was extracted on 2 July 2024

2022 claims involving hospitalisation 2023 claims involving hospitalisation
5,289 5,451 (up 3.1%)
Claims involving hospitalisation
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 5 year
8,121 8,044 5,451 5,792 5,289 6,539
strTitle 2022 2023 Change % change 5 year
Female 2,220 2,195 -25 -1% 2,768
Male 3,060 3,231 171 6% 3,763
Unknown 9 25 16 178% 8
Road user
strTitle 2022 2023 Change % change 5 year
Bicyclist 350 379 29 8% 447
Driver 2,514 2,534 20 1% 3,202
Motorcyclist* 925 1,034 109 12% 1,098
Passenger 739 717 -22 -3% 930
Pedestrian 618 612 -6 -1% 641
Unknown 143 175 32 22% 221
strTitle 2022 2023 Change % change 5 year
Melbourne 3,391 3,520 129 4% 4,024
Rural vic 1,665 1,752 87 5% 2,022
Unknown 233 179 -54 -23% 494
Age Group
strTitle 2022 2023 Change % change 5 year
0 to 17 244 288 44 18% 328
18 to 25 870 908 38 4% 1,231
26 to 39 1,337 1,279 -58 -4% 1,644
40 to 59 1,432 1,548 116 8% 1,785
60 and over 1,406 1,428 22 2% 1,552
Unknown 0 0 0 0% 0
The above table is based on claims accepted by the TAC from people with injuries sustained in transport accidents in Victoria, where the injured person was admitted to hospital within 7 days of crash. Excluded are denied and pending claims, and claims related to crashes occurring interstate.
* includes pillion riders
Note: Data is updated monthly from TAC claims databases. A six-month reporting lag is applied to the data, allowing for claims to be lodged and processed, and hospital invoices to be received and processed. Claims are reported by claim acceptance date. Data is subject to revision as additional information about known claims is received, and as new claims are received and processed.
5 year average rounded to nearest whole number